ONLINE EVENT: Social Time And Kirtan

IT'S SOCIAL TIME AND KIRTAN on ZOOM every 1st and 3rd Monday.

Next event: SEPTEMBER 7th, 6:30-7:30pm

Join the participants/members of Spirit Soul And Friends AND your nearby communities coming to you from Los Angeles, Laguna, Las Vegas and Joshua Tree.

We are excited for this monthly "online" interactive event every 1st and 3rd Monday each month. We look forward to seeing your friendly faces, joyful smiles and we can't wait to chant with you once again!

Come relax and bathe in the beautiful transcendental sound vibrations of sacred mantras that feed and nourish the spirit soul bringing you true, absolute PEACE.

Join us for an evening of community friendship, laughter, fun, games, peaceful Mantra Meditation, Gauranga Breathing, Gauranga drumming and MORE uplifting Kirtan as we continue to joyously celebrate and gather together in community friendship.

HERE'S HOW TO JOIN THE ZOOM GATHERING (don't need an account)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 8882 4764
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Meeting ID: 837 8882 4764
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Annette LaborteComment