We have a unique gift idea for you. For a suggested donation of $20.00 or more, you’ll get:
- Award winning documentary musical feature film on DVD, “Kirtan Peace Vibrations With Spirit Soul And Friends”
- Award winning CD audio soundtrack of the film, “Kirtan Peace Vibrations With Spirit Soul And Friends”
- Japa Meditation beads (large beads)
- Digital streaming link / Script of the film
Just click the DONATION BUTTON above and below, provide your mailing address when prompted and we will send your gift bag to you within the USA (free shipping) as soon as possible. Donations can be made by credit card or PayPal.
Get your gift bag today and help us spread beautiful mantras and our hope for PEACE throughout the world. Thank you all so much and we look forward to seeing you at the next online and/or in-person kirtan event. Aloha and Namaste!