IT'S OFFICIAL!  SPIRIT SOUL & FRIENDS TO RECEIVE AWARD FOR "OUTSTANDING SPIRITUAL ARTISTS" AT HARD ROCK CAFE-LAS VEGAS - We are extremely humbled and excited to have just learned that we have received very special honors for our musical work and documentary musical feature film, "Kirtan Peace Vibrations With Spirit Soul And Friends" which will receive public recognition at the 2018 Las Vegas Producers Choice Honors Red Carpet Press Event, being held on Tuesday, November 7, 2018 at the Hard Rock Live, on the Las Vegas Strip.

Counterculture definition
A subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores.

Counter Culture Award Recipients – Hollywood 2018 - Spirit Soul And Friends will be honored with the Counter Culture Award for "Outstanding Spiritual Artists"  for the music and documentary musical feature film, "Kirtan Peace Vibrations With Spirit Soul And Friends" (digtal download now available on AMAZON).

PRODUCER'S CHOICE HONORS, "HARD ROCK "LIVE" CAFE-LAS VEGAS - This event will feature live musical performances from specially selected artists plus some very special guest performers. This unique red carpet press event will also present several Las Vegas F.A.M.E. Awards to both local legends.  The F.A.M.E. Awards are presented for public recognition of achievements in Film, Art, Music & Entertainment.  The film and music of "Kirtan Peace Vibrations" will be honored with The Producers Choice Honors for Best of Las Vegas: Outstanding Spiritual Music Recorded Work.

Many thanks to Executive Producer, Mr. Al Bowman, for this prestigious honor and for recognizing and helping us to share with our communities the beauty and spiritual tool of KIRTAN.

Kirtan is a joyous celebration; a living moving meditation

Kirtan is the path to PEACE

Kirtan opens the door to LOVE

Aloha and Namaste!

Spirit Soul And Friends