Monday NITE Mantra Meditation With Patita Pavana
7:00-7:30pm (PST), Facebook LIVE & YouTube LIVE
Facebook link:
(This is our Spirit Soul And Friends Facebook profile link)
YouTube link:
Hard to handle those manic Mondays? Join Patita Pavana and "relax, rejuvenate and reawaken" with sacred mantras and music that will uplift, nourish and energize the soul. Interact with friends and play your favorite instrument or dance if you like. Kirtan/Mantra Meditation is a living, moving meditation so we highly encourage dance!
MAN means mind and TRA means that which frees or delivers. Meditation is the spiritual activity of utilizing the mind to focus deeply and continuously on spiritual matters and on the Supreme Soul.
* Relax * Rejuvenate * Reawaken
Aham Brahmasmi: I am eternal pure spirit soul
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