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Monday NITE Mantra Meditation With Patita Pavana


Hard to handle those manic Mondays?

Join Patita Pavana on Facebook LIVE from the new Facebook Group, MONDAY NITE KIRTAN WITH PATITA PAVANA EVERY FOURTH Monday evening (once a month) from 7:00-7:30pm (PST).

Recharge your batteries each week with mantras and music that will uplift, nourish and energize the soul.

Interact with friends in the group and play your favorite instrument or dance if you like.  This will be an upbeat event to 'de-stress' and have FUN each week.

"MAN" means 'mind' and "TRA" means 'that which frees or delivers'. Meditation is the spiritual activity of utilizing the mind to focus deeply and continuously on spiritual matters and on the Supreme.

Together we will:

* Recite, sing and chant beautiful and sacred mantras with musical accompaniment. You don't have to be a professional musician or singer to do this form of meditation, you don't have to sit a certain way or dress a particular way...just relax, listen and participate.

* Learn about the benefits of Mantra Meditation and how you can apply this simple practice to your daily life anywhere, anytime and any place.

* Close with a Message of Peace and Food for Thought

Earlier Event: January 23
Kirtan With HiDesert Yoga And Kirtan