Peace Party And Kirtan At Au Lac DTLA - Fedora Room
By Spirit Soul And Friends™ - A Musical Peace Troupe
With Patita Pavana, Dee Kiana and Gianni Claud
Beginning Friday, April 18, 2025, 6:00-8:00pm Pacific
(Every 3rd Friday)
IT'S A PARTY - Patita Pavana, Dee Kiana and Gianni Claud of Spirit Soul And Friends™ invite you to an evening of commUNITY friendship, mantra meditation, original song and music, peace song sing-a-longs, joyful dance and drumming, uplifting KIRTAN and an "OM-Out For Peace" every hour on the hour. Bring your friends and invite the whole family. This is a monthly family-friendly community event for all ages. Come join the PEACE PARTY as we joyously gather together, elevate our consciousness and taste the sweet nectar of transcendental spiritual sound vibrations: KIRTAN PEACE VIBRATIONS
Kirtan is simple, non-denominational, non-sectarian and requires no experience. Kirtan is a spiritual tool to purify one's consciousness and bring the spirit soul real peace and true happiness.
Kirtan is a joyous celebration
Kirtan is a living, moving meditation
Kirtan is the path to PEACE
Kirtan opens the door to LOVE
*Delicious And Elegant Plant-based Cuisine
*Free CommUNITY Event for all ages
*Street Parking Available
Au Lac DTLA Restaurant - Fedora Room
Plant-Based Comfort Food and Creative Cuisine
710 West 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
View Menu at:
Enjoy the delicious plant-based entrees, appetizers, non-alcoholic beverages and elegant desserts prepared by Chef Ito and his team. We are so grateful to Chef Ito, Mai Nguyen and Linh Nguyen for opening the doors of Au Lac once again inviting our communities to partake in the beauty of the spiritual activity of Kirtan.
Flat-Rate Parking In Promenade Guest Parking Structure ($12 Cash Only)
4pm to 10pm (Dinner)
$4.00 up to 59 minutes
$8.00 up to an hour and 59 minutes
Total of $12.00 after 2 hours
Metered street parking on 1st St
Street parking on Hope St between 1st & Temple
Please also RSVP at Eventbrite so we can keep an accurate headcount for each event:
Aloha and Namaste
Peaceful Individuals Create A Peaceful Society