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We're Back! Kirtan And Chanting For Peace

  • First Unitarian Universalist Church Of San Diego 4190 Front Street San Diego United States (map)

Aloha and Namaste Everyone!!!

We are SO HAPPY to be back and we  have missed everyone SO MUCH and we cannot wait to see you all and chant with you once again.   

Join sister, Patita Pavana and Dee Laborte of Spirit Soul And Friends for an evening of community friendship, peaceful Mantra Meditation, Gauranga breathing, Japa Meditation, drumming and uplifting Kirtan as we joyously celebrate and gather together in community friendship.

Kirtan And Chanting For Peace

Every 2nd Saturday, 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Common Room (Hillcrest Campus)

Kirtan is the sanskrit word for the universally recommended spiritual activity of singing or chanting the Holy Names of God prescribed in the Torah, the Holy Bible, The Holy Quran and Vedic scriptures to bring happiness and peace within ourselves and the world through spiritual reawakening.

Kirtan is simple, non-denominational, non-sectarian, requires no experience and is always donation-based. Kirtan is call and response using transcendental sacred mantras (spiritual sound vibrations).  Kirtan is a spiritual tool to purify one's consciousness and bring the soul real peace and happiness. 

Patita Pavana has been practicing the spiritual activity of Kirtan and Mantra Meditation daily for almost 17 years. These spiritual tools were passed onto her by her spiritual teacher Srimati Katyayani Devi dasi Thakurani and are part of the Bhakti Yoga lifestyle. Bhakti means love and devotion to God, and Yoga means the soul’s connection to God with Love.

As the Community Project Coordinator for the musical peace troupe, Spirit Soul And Friends, Patita Pavana and the group have been sharing Kirtan and Mantra Meditation for over 20 years to adults and children at festival events, private and corporate events in communities throughout San Diego County, Orange County, Ventura County, Joshua Tree, Las Vegas, Arizona and North Carolina for 17 years offering the ability for all souls to experience the inner peace and happiness that singing God’s Names awakens and enlivens.

Come relax in peace and bathe in the beautiful transcendental spiritual sound vibrations of sacred mantras that feed and nourish the spirit soul.  

* Kirtan is a family-friendly event for all ages

* No experience necessary

* Some instruments will be provided

* Light refreshments 

* Donation-based 


First Unitarian Universalist Church Of San Diego


298 West Arbor Drive 

San Diego, CA 92103 

(Park in lot and walk through gate onto church grounds).  


Parking vouchers will be provided so please hold onto your ACE PARKING LOT tickets when you arrive.


The kirtan will be held in the Common Room which will be on your LEFT as you enter the gate from the ACE Parking lot.


Kirtan is a universally recommended activity in all spiritual processes throughout the world. Engage and experience Kirtan, a non-denominational practice that has been passed down since time immemorial and a constant in all paths and religions.

Getting together as a group is a fun way to do this! It is a great activity for families and communities. We can sing mantras using all kinds of instruments and genres of music. Oftentimes, people will get up and move to the beautiful transcendental sounds or groove to a rock out kirtan. There are no hard and fast rules!

You will be hearing and singing beautiful mantras and transcendental sounds that create peace and harmony by their spiritual potency wherever you go! Come taste the sweet nectar of true happiness and peace.