WE ARE BACK and it’s festival time at the 2021 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR
Saturday, August 7, 2021 / 11:30am to 12:10pm / The Hangar in the Main Mall
CALL & RESPONSE - We invite you, your family and friends to help with interactive audience participation and lots of chanting for the KIRTAN! It's gonna ROCK!!!
SPREAD THE WORD and share this invite...the more the merrier!
Spirit Soul And Friends is scheduled on the big stage, The Hangar in the Main Mall, and will joyfully be sharing Kirtan, Yoga Dance, Yoga Asanas, and songs of peace.
On stage this year: Patita Pavana, Jasoda Dulala, Bhakti Sadhaka, Ivy Jennings-Roth, Jhulana Jennings, Ted Takeuchi and Dee Laborte.
IMPORTANT ~ We were asked by the organizers of OC Fair to remind everyone who plans to come to purchase your Day of tickets in advance via the OC FAIR website at: https://ocfair.com/oc-fair/buy-tickets/
You will not be able to purchase tickets at the booth due to COVID-19 guidelines so be sure to get your tickets in advance.
Spread the word, get your tickets now and we'll see ya at the fair!
OFFICIAL WEBSITE FOR OC FAIR: http://ocfair.com/
Aloha & Namaste
Peaceful Individuals Create A Peaceful Society