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Guided Meditation And Tea With Carly Reeder

GUIDED MEDITATION AND TEA with Carly Reeder / Live Music by Patita Pavana

Via ZOOM! And it’s FREE!!!

Monday, April 12, 2021, 8:00-8:30pm (EST) / 5:00-5:30pm (PST)

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 817 1931 6515

Passcode: 886512


  • Turns off the stress response

  • Decreases inflammation

  • Strengthens immunity

  • Improves compassion and self-awareness

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Improves weight loss and balances hormones

  • Increases alpha waves + MORE


  • Diaphragmatic breathing

  • Mindfulness exercises

  • Ancient yoga techniques for relaxing and mental freedom

  • All while cozying up with some relaxing tea

  • Carly will also go over different types of relaxing herbal teas

If you want to learn these amazing tools, please send Carly an email for the Zoom link, password and any questions:

Carly Reeder, CYT, CPI, ATC - Integrative Wellness Coach